Abington School District - Abington School District provides transportation to nonpublic schools located with a 10-mile radius from Abington Township. They do not provide transportation for early dismissals. The transportation department is available during the hours of 5:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Please call 215-884-0421.
Bensalem Township School District – Bensalem Township School District provides transportation to nonpublic schools located with a 10-mile radius from Bensalem Township. They do not provide transportation for early dismissals. The transportation department is available during the hours of 5:00 AM and 6:00 PM at 215-750-2800, ext. 4400.
Bristol Township School District – Bristol Township School District provides transportation to non-public schools located with a 10-mile radius from Bristol Township. They provide transportation for six early dismissals. Hours of operation: 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Phone Number is (267) 599-2390.
Centennial School District – Centennial School District provides transportation to non-public schools located within a 10-mile radius from the closest boundary of the district to St. Hubert. (County Line Road and Buck Road) They provide transportation for five early dismissals per year. Transportation Office Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. - Monday through Friday. For information, please call (215) 441-6000, Extension 11061.
Cheltenham Township School District - Cheltenham School District provides SEPTA Transpasses for students who live in Cheltenham Township. Proof of residency is required. Please call (267) 460-8698.
Lower Moreland Township School District – Lower Moreland Township School District provides transportation to non-public schools located within a 10-mile radius from Lower Moreland Township through a contractual agreement with First Student, Inc. Contacts: Jason Kelly, Branch Manager, [email protected]. Leigh Peoples, Dispatcher, [email protected].
Neshaminy School District – Neshaminy School District provides transportation to non-public schools located within a 10-mile radius from the school district. They provide transportation for four early dismissals per year. Early dismissals must be before 12:30 pm. The Transportation Dispatcher's hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please call 215-809-6260